Knowledge Base - Thematic area #3 glance
Today,we will open a bit of the Knowledge Base area for you...
The Thematic area N°3 is focusing on “Minimisation of exclusion processes in the reskilling of the workforce”
The reskilling and processes of upgrade should be arranged to reduce the distinction between categories of workers. Automation, moreover, should support the knowledge differentiation. It is not expected for all workers to gain the same set of skills, but to learn relevant skills leveraged to improve workers condition and perception.
To perform an efficient and alive brainstorming on this thematic, an interactive tool was used allowing every partner to express easily and share information as well as participating in the discussions.
This Kick off meeting of thematic area N°3 was organised on 9th May 2022 and was facilitated by the UIC.
About 10 participants attended the meetings and were active in discussions and contributions. The discussion was structured around 5 questions:
- Which are the typologies of workers that you think could be subjected to inequalities or exclusion processes when automation and digitalisation increase?
- Which kind of skills do you think those workers potentially subjected to exclusion should have?
- How do you think that the company should implement the skills defined in the previous question: methods, process, strategy, etc. to guarantee that the worker will not be excluded, downgraded or, even worst mobbed or, last beach, fired?
- Which essential skills are necessary for the less-digital age category?
- How can a company assess the digital knowledge of its workers to improve its reskilling programs?
We will publish the further updates answering the question above, to elaborate more on the topic. Stay tuned!