Circles Decoration

WE-TRANSFORM’s thematic area N°7

WE-TRANSFORM’s thematic area N°7

WE-TRANSFORM’s thematic area N°7 addresses the role of collective bargaining in defining the regulation framing the transport workforce transition

Knowledge Base - Thematic area #7 glance

We continue to open the Knowledge Base area for you...

WE-TRANSFORM’s thematic area N°7 addresses the role of collective bargaining in defining the regulation framing the transport workforce transition

It is led by the three Italian unions involved in the WE-TRANSFORM consortium: FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and Uiltrasporti.

Nine other partners are involved in this topic, covering transport operators mainly, but also industry stakeholders, consultancy and legal services.

The thematic area kicked off in April with the launch of a questionnaire focused on “Regulation of transition in the view of collective bargaining”.

Based on the answers to this questionnaire, collective review of the aviliable literature and knowledge, a first draft of the knowledge brief on this topic has been started.

It is now on the final stage awaiting for recommendations’ part to be finalized before collecting feedback from the Thematic Area participants.

The next steps for this are:

- Completion of the questionnaire

- Answers collection

- Brief feedback

- Involvement of the external stakeholder in the discussion – starting with the workers’ union in Latvia, where our third stakeholder workshop is taking place in two weeks!

So, do not miss an opportunity and sign in to the Knowledge base area!

We are waiting for you.